
Representing Harford County, Maryland, this blog will connect local residents to the politcal scene. This site will occasionally mention Congressional Districts 01, 02, and 06, as well as the two senators and the Maryland Governor.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Aegis does it again!

Cross-Posted on Maryland Federation of College Democrats and Diaried on Dailykos...

Many of you may not get the Aegis, the "Premiere" newspaper circulating in Harford county and parts of Baltimore and Cecil counties. The Aegis is published by Homestead publishing, owned by the Tribune Co., which also owns The Baltimore Sun. The Aegis is unapologetically Republican in nature. They aren't even in line with Neo-Cons, or the mainstream conservatives. They hate just about everyone that doesn't strictly act Republican.

Take yesterdays article, "An 'R' Needed To Win?" In which Executive Editor Ted Hendricks pretty much somes up, in-over a half-page of news, that Democrats suck. The venom is so fierce in this article that he assualts Republican Delegate Joanne Parrott because she isn't in the rank-and-file. Hendricks continues on by making the point that because Democrats only outnumber Republicans by little over 900, that Democrats amount to nothing county-wide!

This is probably one of the sickest attempts at "Journalism" I've seen since Fox News went on the air. With the accuracy of reporting and the frequent liberal-bashing coming from that paper, The Aegis makes Fox News look left-of-center! I run a private blog for Harford Co. Democrats, but the people who read that blog know what they're getting; an analysis of the news, local officials and some light advocacy. People actually go to the Aegis for *gasp* NEWS!

This outrages me more than I know. When I finished reading that it infuriated me. How dare a podunk, backwater, contrite, pedantic, and sad excuse for a newspaper attempt to feed me such garbage that just because this district is almost entirely represented by Republicans that Dems can pretty much be dismissed.

This is why I'm a Democrat. People are Democrats, that I've noticed, by choice. I know a guy who was Republican for 15 years and switched. I took him to a meeting with some other Democrats and, while he felt out of place at first, yet he quickly settled in and felt welcomed like he was part of the bunch. If the roles are reversed, you have to bear some harsh punishment from people calling you a switch-o-crat (which doesn't even roll off the tongue, c'mon people think of something better. Cut-and-Run was a so much easier to say!)

If this is how The Aegis treats Democrats, with a 900+ person advantage, just imagine how they treat the third parties!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"backwater".... just because they say something that you completely disagree with doesn't mean you should resort to name calling. That is pretty pathetic. You can make a point, as you have in many instances in the past, without resorting to this low level of politiking.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Geoff said...

It's not that I disagree with them, many people do. This isn't just some misplaced faith in an idea the Aegis wrote. What Hendricks did was outright insulting. Read NYTimes, WaPo, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor; they all use the term "backwater" for a newspaper that pulls a stunt like this, especially the editorials.

This isn't to say that you do not have a point, its just in the overall scheme of things, the point is virtually moot for the time being. The overall goal now is to prove Ted Hendricks wrong, not only in tomorrow's primary, but in the general election as well.

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:16 PM  
Blogger Geoff said...

1)I'm just a community college student and I do this in my spare time. I do not earn money doing this . I have this blog to spark debate and open discourse among liberals and progressives. Unfortunately, some of the people who read this (or maybe its just you) take any open opportunity to knock me down a peg or two.

2)If you are so willing to offer criticism, I invite you to write an entry on this blog. Write one as often as possible and keep it on point.

3)I work with an English professor on my campus, who would refuse to let me post if I had bad grammar. Sir or Madam, if you accuse me of bad grammar, I wish to see your English Doctorate.

4)I think it is quite clear that GOPerative has no clue what he talks about. Ever. He rants and raves about people on basis of political party alone.

Have you EVER seen me speak ill of Mary-Dulany James because she tends to forget her Democratic background? Do you see me tear apart candidates because they aren't, "liberal" enough for me?

The answer is no. That is because I have respect for my own candor and the opinion of others

One last thing; this will likely be the only time I ever do this, but I am deleting your previous post. It is off base and violates basic netiquette.

6:21 AM  

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